Tag: blogs
Postcards from the lakeside
8 August 2010 | This 'n' that

A tower with a view: Olavinlinna (St Olaf's castle). Photo: Lola Rogers
Translator Lola Rogers (of, for example, Sofi Oksanen’s best-selling novel Purge), from Seattle, spent a few weeks in Finland, and went on a cruise on Lake Saimaa.
Olavinlinna (St Olaf’s castle), and the opera, in the city of Savonlinna, was one of her stops; take a look at her blog – you’ll perhaps recognise the the inventive 16th-century wall privies on the towers we wrote about a while ago.
There are quite a few photos from Helsinki, too – from this hot, hot (too hot?) summer.
Translator at play
28 January 2010 | This 'n' that
This is supposed to be the longest Finnish word. Lola Rogers interprets it as ‘You mean, not even (when it’s done) with their (usual) lack of systematization?’ More…